Thank you and credit due!
Give thanks in all circumstances.
In addition to our customers and the Chesed Farms team, there is a growing number of individuals and organizations that contribute to our mission. And for those efforts we are eternally grateful. As a small token of thanks, we include them on this page to highlight their talent and introduce them to you!
Issac Biak - Isaac is a visual story teller. Most of the photos on this website were graciously created during a visit to the farm.
Catching Violet - Rachel Owen is known for her precious baby photos. She also really enjoys mushrooms. On a few occasions, Rachel made some of our mushrooms the subject of her photos. We share these photos and use them on our website. You will notice the Catching Violet watermark on the image. (We did not glean them from an image search :)
Lia Beatty - We met Lia at the farmer’s market. She took some photos of our display that we have shared on instagram and on our website.
Sewin Owen - As we navigated farmer’s markets during the mask mandates, Rachel Owen, of Sewin Owen, made us a few wonderful, and comfortable mushroom themed masks.
Custom Paperweight
-stillsweetwater- Wendy Kempf, as she does for so many local small businesses, gifted us a hand painted rock we regularly use to keep our business cards on our farmer’s market table.